With QGIS Cloud Pro it is possible to change the appearance and behaviour of the QGIS Cloud Web Client via CSS. You can easily manipulate the colour of frames and fonts, etc. An example that is not obvious is displaying the legend in a fixed location on the map. In this way, the legend can be made a fixed part of the map in QGIS Cloud QWC2.
In the basic configuration of QGIS Cloud QWC2 the legend of a layer is not permanently displayed.
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The Swisstopo services can be used free of charge for commercial purposes since March 1st. In this blog article I want to show how these high quality data can be published on qgiscloud.com.
Swisstopo-Services The Swisstopo WMTS services are tiled raster data. Due to the prior tiling, the loading times are significantly reduced. WMTS data are used when an up-to-date background is always required. For publication as a background layer on the QGIS Cloud Platform, the National Maps and the Swissimage orthophoto are very interesting.
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