FOSS4G is the annual global event of free and open source geographic technologies and open geospatial data hosted by OSGeo. In 2024 it took place in Belém, Brasil.
Shortbread - the new OpenStreetMap vector tile schema
Shortbread is an open schema for OSM vector tiles. It is intended to be a basic, lean, general-purpose vector tile schema for OpenStreetMap data.
For creating and extending OSM vector tiles, workflows using Tilemaker, Planetiler and osm2pgsql Themepark are compared.
Serving live maps with vector tiles
Vector tiles are an efficient way to serve maps with a high volume of live data. IoT applications or maps with weather, traffic or other live data require a compact format for transmitting updated data. Vector tiles with their powerful styling capabilities are supported by several Javascript map viewers.
This talks shows how to disply live data with MapLibre and OpenLayers. On the server side BBOX is used to serve tiles from a PostGIS database.
Farewell Web Mercator
Most of today’s web maps are using the Web Mercator projection. A major issue of Web Mercator is the distortion of area sizes far from the equator.
In 2018 Bojan Šavrič, Tom Patterson and Bernhard Jenny published their work on the Equal Earth map projection, an equal-area projection for world maps.
This talk shows how to use the Equal Earth map projection for web mapping with different kind of data sources.
Easily publish your QGIS projects on the web with QWC2 - news from the project
QWC2 (QGIS Web Client 2) is the official web application of QGIS, that allows you to publish your projects with the same rendering, thanks to QGIS Server. The environment is composed of a modern responsive front-end written in JavaScript on top of ReactJS and OpenLayers, and several server-side Python/Flask micro-services to enhance the basic functionalities of QWC2 and QGIS Server.
QWC2 is modular and extensible, and provides both an off-the-shelf web application and a development framework: you can start simple and easy with the demo application, and then customize your application at will, based on your needs and development capabilities.
This talk aims at introducing this application and to show how easy it is to publish your own QGIS projects on the web. An overview of the QWC2 architecture will also be given. It will also be an opportunity to discover the latest new features that have been developed in the past year and ideas for future improvements.