- create a new project (this is just a convenience - you only need the ELINOS.sh script)
- execute “. ELINOS.sh”
- get the busybox*.tar package and untar it
- edit the Config.h file and decidewhat you want in the busybox
- edit the Makefile.
- set DOSTATIC apropriately
- make
- make install
- cd /opt/elinos/i386-target/[static|libc6|libc5] (depending on what you want to change, idealy all three)
- move the current busy-box away: “mv busybox busybox-0.46”
- copy the busybox you have created here: “cp -a NEW_BUSYBOX_PROJECT_DIR/busybox-0.51/_install/ busybox-0.51.with-ifconfig”
- make a symbolic link to it: “ln -s busybox-0.51.with-ifconfig busybox”
- maybe reiterate for [static|libc6|libc5]
- now you can go ahead with your current project
Compiling a new BusyBox version for Elinos