Was: Anleitung, um TaxMe 2006 unter amd64 unter Linux, Ubuntu Jaunty 9.04 zum Laufen zu bringen.
Kurzversion: $ cd ~/TaxMeBe2006/lib/ && mv linux-gtk linux-gtk.32bit && mkdir linux-gtk && cd linux-gtk $ sudo apt-get install libswt3.2-gtk-jni libjna-java $ for i in atk awt cairo gnome "" mozilla pi ; do ln -s /usr/lib/jni/libswt-${i}-gtk-3236.so; done $ ln -s /usr/lib/java/swt.jar Herleitung: Wenn man TaxMe 2006 auf einer amd64 Platform startet, dann passiert nichts.
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Our sample application using the mapping application framework Mapfish with Ruby on Rails is finally available on GitHub.
We also updated the Ruby MapFish server to the newest MapFish protocol coming in the next release and contributed additional documentation.
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Copying a DVD under Linux wasn’t a problem for a long time. I always used k3b. However lately I failed to copy a DVD.
k3b would say: "failed to retireve all CSS keys" or in german "es konnten nicht alle CSS Schlüssel geholt werden". k9copy would say: "libdvdread: Error cracking CSS key for /VIDEO_TS/VTS_03_1.VOB (0x0031ccb6)!!"
First I thought k3b didn’t have access to libdvdcss. However it turns out that aparently some DVD drives won’t return data from some sections of a disc if the region code of the drive is not set.
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OpenStruct is a nice tool to work with. However…
Let’s say you do this:
user = OpenStruct.new( :name => "Franca Botanica", :uid => "777" ) address = OpenStruct.new( :user => user, :country => "Paraguay" ) some_stuff = [] some_stuff << user some_stuff << address and now you want to iterate over the some_stuff collection and want to dump all those “containers” you created. But how do you find out which fields those OpenStruct instances have?
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